
St. Anthony School had its humble beginning way back in 1932. It started with a wooden shack of one block. The founder of this humble cradle of learning was Bishop John Baus . Featured in this picture is first Headmaster, Mr. Ambrose Wong Ik Loi.The School began with 8 students and later increased to 24 students in 1933.

In March 1935, Rev Father C. Quadekker managed to secure the land across the road. On this piece of land was built the additional block with four classrooms. Enrolment was gradually roll increased to 31 students. A new block of Belian woodbuilding, was declared open on 1937. The school was having 5 teachers, Mr. Tion Heng Ing, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Yii Sii Ann, Mr. Wong Ing King, Mrs. Chieng.
1940, another block of general office and a house for Fr. Quadekker were built. In 1940 with the outbreak of World War II, the Japanese Imperial Army closed St. Anthony School and made it a camp for Hundreds of its soldiers. It was to remain that way till 1945 the Japanese surrendered.

From 1946 to 1955, the school came under the care of Rev. J Buis and J. Chin. During their tenure, St. Anthony school grew in size, approximately 200 students and pioneer group of form 3 students sat for SRP (Sijil Rendah Pelajaran / Lower Education Certificate) in 1956. Rev. Priest J. Hol and Mc Hugh were appointed as principal at that time.

The crowning of their career was the completion of the new school hall, named ‘Father Chin Jubilee Hall’.A Holland born Rev. G.C.M Rottinghuis who were transferred from Baram to sarikei took over St. Anthony School to new heights from 1956-1972. In 1960, a new two storey brick building designated by Fr. Rottinghuis and built under his supervision was completed. It had physics and chemistry lab and 3 classrooms. This building is now known as the block St. Francis.

In 1962, the school first offered ‘Senior Cambridge’ Examination’. In 1967, Rev Rottinghuis was responsible for the relocation of our primary school in line with proposed new local education policies.
Therefore, in 1970, the primary school of St. Anthony was handed over to a group of Sister called ‘The Little Sisters of Sarawak’ and now known as St. Anne primary School. Mr. K.A. Titus (1072 – 1980) from India was the last foreigner who took charge of St. Anthony School before handing it over to the local citizens. Since taking office, the enrolment was increase of 800 students. A new block which now known as Block St. Elizabeth was successfully built in 1973. Additional facilities like new basketball court, students bicycle shed, car porch for staff, extension of students toilets and fence-fixing within the school compound were built.

On Jun 1, 1981, Mr. Gerald Lee Replaced Mr. K. A. Titus as the 5th principal of the school. He was replaced by Tsai Jit Jui in 1983 who continued his service till 1984. One new block which was 3’s block was added.

In 1985, Mr. Jackson Chan Tian Ann from Kuching was appointed as principal. First computer club was formed. On March, 1986, Mr. Andrew Wong Ee Hin replaced Mr. Chan as the principal of the school. During his 10 years as principal, Mr. Andrew had brought tremendous improvement to the school. Under his leadership, 3 blocks of a 4 storey concrete buildings were built from 1991 – 1995 is the present Block St. Augustine, Block St. Bernard and Block St. Christopher.

In 1996, the school was leaded by the first lady principal Miss Judith Wong Ngee Lay. Two additional Science labs were built, basketball court, volleyball court were upgraded. Mr. Sylvester Tang Nguon Sam who took over as principal on Sept 16, 1997. The roofing shed for the pathway to physic and chemistry lab, refurnishing the floors of front of block A and Block C with tar and upgraded of students toilets.

On Jun 2001, Mdm Sim Tong Hui was the new principal. Mdm Sim further improved the facilities of the school. Under her leadership, PIBG was formed in 2002. Single storey block D was demolished and replaced by a 4-Storey concrete building. In 2003, St Anthony started 2 classes of lower six for the first time.

Mdm Fong Yut Kuen replaced Mdm. Sim Tong Hui on Jan 29, 2004. Upgrading the staff room and Dewan Kuliah was carried out.

In 2005 to 2010, the principal of the school is Mdm. Wong Leh Ting. Administration of the school is organised and systematic. Facilities in the school were upgraded and well maintained.

Current principal is Mr. Sali Ak Sumoh.

Through the efforts of all the principals, teachers and supporting staff of SAS from 1932 – 2011, SAS has changed from a humble beginning to a modern excellent school both in academic and Co-curriculum activities.She had won many awards at divisional, state and national levels. With the support of parents
and Ex-Anthonians, it is our hope that the school will continue to excel in all aspects.